Pinterest is making a big splash in the social media world. Not too long ago it was an unknown little company with no chance of challenging the big boys on the social media block. But it is beginning to make its mark online and individuals in the direct selling business need to take notice.

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So, you’ve got a great idea for a business that you’re eager to pull the trigger on. One potential obstacle: you’re working in a job now and unless you quit you can’t get your start-up going. What do you need to do before you quit your job and start a company? Here are some things to think about be Read More
An interesting article on the pitfalls of promoting a successful salesperson to a sales management position. It speaks about what drives a salesperson vs. what drives a sales manager and how those two different sets of motivations are not always transferable. Read More
Former TV presenter, Alan Stevens, is now an author and journalist, and runs his own business Media Coach. As an expert interviewee he has been involved in over 2,000 radio and TV interviews. With his wealth of experience he is ideally placed to give insights about the media, and how individuals an Read More
I've been on a bit of a customer service jag lately - as in, getting really tired of poor service. Here's a post about how a car company's $5 processing fee might cost them thousands in revenue. If you have a comment, don't forget to leave one on the blog in addition to on here! Thanks! Read More
Here’s a quick look at some of the different ways that companies are using SMS Marketing to grow business and engage clients. Read More
The basic setup in the administration of your Google AdWords campaign is important if you want a healthy return on your investment in your AdWords advertising. If you are new to AdWords advertising this guide will help you getting started. Read More
Google is the most successful company in making billions of revenue every month with its perfect advertising Plans. However, Google is also working hard for it by finding both good Advertisers as well as Publishers in getting more revenues. So we decided to conduct a survey as to on what Keywords i Read More
Google is now in the race to redefine its Search Engine by penalizing sites which doesn't comply to its policy. However, a lot of things has been done till now in this matter with a complete series of Google Panda updates at the end of every month. With a quick 14 updates every month, now Google is Read More
If you think that you have already heard every good idea about writing compelling copy, take a look at a post that Tea Silvestre contributed to the Firepole Marketing blog last month. The post recommends mixing five classic cooking flavors into the copy that you write.
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