When it comes to gaining new customers, your website can make or break you. With budgets tight, how can you be sure that you aren’t missing a critical piece of the online puzzle? Well lucky for you I can tell you a few things that most great business sites have in common. Read More
Do you know how much a customer is worth to you?
If you’re like most business owners, you probably have a vague idea, but have never sat down and tried to figure it out. Read More
How one small business that sells footwear online uses Facebook contents to gain insight into why some products perform better than others. Read More
Have you considered putting customer profiling information on your website, where potential clients can review it and see that doing business with you would be a good idea? For a case study of a company that is applying this strategy well, visit Gryphon Roofing and Remodeling online. Read More
Video blogging (adding video clips to a blog) can help to drive traffic, lower bounce rate, increase engagement and conversions, and generally improve SEO (Search Engine Otimization) and Internet marketing. Read More
Coming up with a content strategy will help ensure that your content speaks to your target audience and provides them with value. Read More
There are no easy 3, 10, or 15 step process on perfecting your social presence--it differs for everyone. This guide simply provides helpful tips to establish your small business' Twitter account. Read More
When it comes to mobile shopping, the conventional wisdom about who tech early adopters are isn’t so wise after all. If you think the average mobile shopper is a single, young, white techie guy, it’s time to think again. Mobile Shopping Behaviors, a study by The Integer Group and M/A/R/C Research, Read More
The PR Verdict: F (Full Fiasco) for Scientology's PR. Something isn’t working despite the high number of celebrity followers?Why? Read More
Email marketing can be a very powerful way of promoting your website and keeping your users up to date with your latest content or offers. Read More

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