Do you remember your first day of school? Fun, good times ahead. Now picture if you went to school and they told on the first day you all the things you would have to learn and do throughout your time at school. Pretty scary. This feeling can occur with marketing overwhelm.
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White hat SE0 is generally considered the right, honest way to gain rank in the search engines However, several techniques to gain rank in search engines are black hat ideas with the common misconception that the techniques are white hat and follow guidelines. Read More
Technology has made it easier than ever for cyber criminals in shifting their efforts to take advantage of small businesses instead of individual victims. Read More
I was having coffee with a close friend, @francineallaire, this morning.  She's an outstanding sales professional.  As we often do, our conversation drifted Read More
For those of you with a background in Lean, TAKT Time is a familiar concept for manufacturing, but what’s the application to sales and marketing?

TAKT actually comes from the German word, Taktzeit, which refers to the cycle time, beat or rhythm. It’s a powerful concept for Lean manufacturing. Read More
This post analyzes three recent surveys of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and their use of social media in marketing. By most indications, use of social media by small business is on the rise and will continue to follow that trend throughout 2012. Read More
The problem of performance based payments: If an employee has a variable income portion, every objective discussion becomes also an income negotiation.

People want to be treated fairly and paid fairly. Especially in a small company, you do not need a complicated compensation scheme for this. Al Read More
Every solo small business owner wants money. But the pride and joy that come from building a great solo small business far out weigh the profits. How do you create a great solo small business? Great by Choice, by Jim Collins, gives 3 detailed principles to follow. Read More
Wordpress's green update tweaks some features that are useful for promoting your business, including the ability to embed tweets into blog posts. Read More
I have been doing a lot of thinking about my business lately. In fact, I just signed up for a few coaching sessions with my favorite coach to work through some new products and client offerings. Isn’t it wonderful that we can change our minds? We can be whatever we want to be. Read More

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