A guide to using the Facebook Pages Manager app - an app for Facebook admins. The Facebook Pages Manager app allows you to add posts and photos as well as respond to fans' comments, right from your phone. Read More
How to extend your Facebook reach for more eyeballs? Have you done enough to maximize your brand visibility on Facebook? Here are 12 Vital Tips (and 'Points to Ponder') you shouldn't miss. Read More
RebelMouse is a visual publishing platform that aggregates a user's Facebook and Twitter streams to create a personal hub page. Meet Paul Berry, its founder, in this exclusive interview. Read More
We live in an impatient post PC world populated by tablets and smartphones. And, it is fast catching on.
According to research firm CompTIA’s Small and Medium Business Technology Adoptions Trends study, seven out of ten small and medium-sized businesses in the US expect to increase their technolog Read More
By Caron Beesley. Contributing to a worthwhile cause has many benefits beyond the act of goodwill itself. It gives local business owners an opportunity to embed themselves in the community and network with other donors. And, of course, there are tax deduction benefits.

But what exactly Read More
Add your blog to Google Blog Search get extra traffic, Pinging service will help get your blog included in the Google Blog Search index. Read More
The more you try to understand your mind the more involved your mind becomes. It's like trying to put a fire out with gasoline. Read More
Social media is no different than any other form of marketing, prospecting or sales activity that you currently execute within your business. The only return on investment from social media that matters to your business is REVENUE! Read More
You may remember my recent case study on bad social media manners. Well, here is another one for you.

Earlier this week, as I was checking my daily Google Alerts emails, I noticed a title that looked strangely similar to the one I had used for one of my recent social media articles on Examiner.c Read More
Small to medium size businesses are forever being told these days that online is where it is at and that any advertising budget should be spent advertising online Read More

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