Google has always have an answer to all services offered by various owners including to that of the Facebook's. While Facebook has always been poking Google sometime now, and finally as everyone know the fact that Google has already launched its powerful Social Network concept of Google+ to beat al Read More
If you are looking forward to look for some cool opportunities then we bring some of the cool infographics today which will compare some of the best languages on PHP vs Python vs Ruby. These comparisons are made on basis of Popularity, Ease of use, demand for programmers, also with related to histo Read More
Most people choose WordPress because they are SEO friendly, and the chances of getting noticed on the search engines are also high. Read More
I found a great tool called which I’d like to share with you. It’s a tool that lets you see real time Twitter conversations for websites and you can do this as you browse. The idea is very simple but incredibly useful as you can see up to date conversations and all from the click of a button Read More
Here is a quick roundup of the latest happenings in the social media world.


Yahoo! and Facebook are finally burying the hatchet. The two companies anno Read More
Why are some of us entrepreneurs and others not? Is it only the environment we grow up in that matters or do our genes have a part to play as well? Read More
Forget those traditional promotional products. Credible inventors of promotional products have come up with merchandise that fulfils a need and has a purpose. Read More
People are always wanting to know, "What are the best things to sell on eBay?"

For those of us small guys who don't have a large staff and loads of cash for a truckload of inventory, I think the most profitable direction to go is in unique, hard-to-find items. Why? Because you have less competi Read More
This infographic should provides you with a primer from which you, as a business owner can effectively enter the space of business blogging. Read More
Critics were abuzz with speculations about the Google Nexus 7 long before it was unveiled. After its launch at the Developers' conference, it has become the most talked about tablet of the moment. Read More

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