There are a lot of things to bear in mind before registering a domain name. We have put together the most important things you should consider when choosing the a domain name for your online business.

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A business logo in the URL can help your online business stand out and look more professional. Here you can find some tips on how to make such a logo. Read More
Email Marketing is the process of delivering relevant, engaging and timely marketing messages to a specific list of recipients via email. It is a great way to target specific groups and it’s relatively cheap too. Follow these six simple tips to create and run a successful Email Marketing campaign. Read More
If you are in the online marketing or search engine optimization business, you are probably aware that there are SEO practices which are considered unethical. Read More
Cold copy is one of the cardinal sins any copying service can commit – it’s copy that does its job, but only just. Read More
In our hypercompetitive society it isn’t enough to merely have a good idea anymore. Even the best ideas can fall flat if they aren’t marketed effectively. Read More
The advances in cloud computing allow small businesses to grow faster, less expensively, and compete more fairly with large corporations for the first time in history. To me, making the competition more fair is what makes cloud computing rock.
This week we have chosen five articles and blog posts Read More
Who is your inspiration in blogging?

I’m sure they must be either a full time blogger or those who are making a living from blogging. Read More
Welcome to Screencast Saturdays! This week communicatto team member Mary shows you the basics of setting up an account on the photo/virtual shared scrapbook service Pinterest! Read More
What does this mean for businesses? According to recent studies and statistics on social commerce, our online shopping habits are growing and evolving every day. Businesses that remain out of the social sphere will be missing out on access to their most social, engaged and enthusiastic customers. Read More

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Share your small business tips with the community!
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