Running a location independent business can sometimes be very lonely. You need to plan on what to do next when you can finally outsource everything. Read More
Successful entrepreneurs seem to have endless stream of energy and enthusiasm. Here are seven rules from the entrepreneur's handbook that you need to follow. Read More
When you send emails for your business, do you use an email address that includes your domain name? If not, you’re missing a branding opportunity. Read More
So, you finally found your great small business idea. Now you want to take that idea and turn it into a profitable business. But how do make sure no one steals your idea before you can profit from it? Here are 4 ways to protect your business idea and one harsh reality about the business world. Read More
Learn how to add your own social media icons to your WordPress website - without having to use a plugin - with this 5 step tutorial. Read More
I feel that knowledge is power. If you’re seriously thinking of becoming the owner of a franchise business someday, you should learn as much as you can about the business model, and how it’s supposed to work. Do you know what the definition if a franchise is? Read More
There are numerous methods to retain customers and keep them coming back. Below we will highlight some of the common tactics that have been proven successful. Read More
This week's top content for B2B and small business: marketing, email, Pinterest, exit interviews, vacation, networking, Facebook, LinkedIn, Ego. Read More
Check out this week’s Friday Roundup for tips and ideas to help grow your business, such as marketing your restaurant via Facebook and Twitter and localizing your SEO efforts. Read More
We all realize the power of social media for generating publicity about our message, products and books promotion or publicity Read More

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