Medical transcription can be a wonderful work-at-home career … if you’re able to create and maintain a strong client base. Accumulating the kind of steady work you need to generate a comfortable income is admittedly challenging and it can take time. The good news is, once you have a stable of regul Read More
Behind the scenes look at the logo design process for a new yoga studio in Portland, Maine called Still Water Yoga. Naming, strategy, sketches, design process. Read More
Pinerly is the new and free tool which allows you to monitor the pinning of your own images and pins by revealing the number of likes, comments, reach, repins and clickthroughs. Read More
This comprehensive how-to guide and reference resource is probably king of the content marketing books. Read More
Whether you're a long-time retailer or a start-up, the rules of selling online are much the same. Everything you do is centered around three areas: people, products and promotion. Read More
No matter what business you’re in, how big your company is (or isn’t) or what kind of book you’ve written, you, too, can become a popular talk show guest Read More
Tablet use is growing by leaps and bounds, reports the Online Publishers Association, which recently conducted a survey of how tablet owners are using the devices. Here are some highlights of what they found, and what it means for your business.
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Study after study reveals that most Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. Unfortunately, when confronted with this reality, too many consumers believe that such statistics don’t apply to them. Read More
Are you losing your audience immediately by talking about yourself? Your story certainly has a role in your presentation, but not up front. Read more to find out what an audience really wants to hear. Read More
Link building is an essential part of your SEO strategy, and it can be an area, which is really hard for people, who want to do their own SEO work, to get started whit. Here's some inspiration on how to do link building on a brand new website in a sensible manner. Read More

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