The trick is a water-tight plan for a little wiggle room for the unknown. Unforeseen circumstances is a very rational line item. Read More
The original title of this post was going to be Turns Out This Particular Post Title Sucks. Turns out, that particular post title would have sucked. We found a strategy that gets 541% more responses. Check it out. Read More
It's almost mid year and a great time to renew your email marketing plans. Wayne Pethrick, Pitney Bowes' email marketing product manager, offers some tips on jump starting your email programs. Read More
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are the actions you can take that will help your potential customers find you when they use things like Google to search for a product or service. Lucky for you, Your Web Department has all the tools in place to help you optimize your site. Things like site maps, he Read More
The importance of creating a "sales courtship" for today's buyer who, quite frankly, has way too many things on the brain and way too many choices!

Are you "courting" your prospects? Read More
Argentina's Tarjeta Naranja is popular because it works hard to build its social network, and places emphasis on great customer service. How many Canadian and American credit card issuers can say the same thing? Not many. Read More
B2B decision makers spend time doing research online. In order to stand out above the rest of your competition and get noticed, it’s important to invest in content marketing. Content is what helps fuel SEO and social media strategies. Without content, it’s difficult to find success online today. Ma Read More
Pop Quiz . . .

A prospect wants to check you out, anonymously, from afar. They enter your name in Google. What will they see or will they even see anything?

Please read on . . . Read More
If your traffic dips down this month, don’t assume the world is crashing in around you. Unless your traffic vanished overnight and happened to coincide with a Google update like Penguin or Panda it doesn’t mean all hope is loss. I’m constantly reminding my SEO clients that you can’t make SEO decisi Read More
Post Planner is a service that schedules timed posts to Facebook, with a link to a website under every post offering a lot of search engine optimization (SEO) benefits. Read More

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