Friends tell you what you want to hear. Mentors tell you what you need to hear. When the message is the same from both, you don’t need the mentor anymore. In that sense, you should think of a mentor more like your advisor who has done all he can. You always need the friend. Read More
If you are a blogger, you might be thinking of a way where you can determine how many visits you blog is having. Knowing the number of visits your blog have will let you know if your blog is effective and appealing for different readers Read More
If your employees are comfortable while they’re working, they won’t do their best to stay away from their work areas. Read More
Don't waste your time writing the wrong blog posts. Try these 6 different ways to learn how you can write the exact content people are looking for Read More
Big big smile here…because announced just last week, the second annual 2012 Lion’s Lair contest top ten finalists were announced – and Snappay is in!

That smile of course, is just the start of how we feel about same and by that I mean we do realize that it’s going to be dang hard to “finish in t Read More
Marketing is inarguably one of the most crucial parts of every business. It could come in the form of media advertisements, word of mouth information dissemination, gigantic billboard, events, stickers fliers and sales promos, among others. Without people knowing about a company's product or servic Read More
If you are a local business, it’s important to optimize your website for local search. One question that many local business owners have is how they should go about targeting more than one city or location. Even if your business is located in City A, you also want to attract searchers that may be s Read More
I realize it may sound like a strange comparison, but successful SEO and weight loss plans have a lot more in common than you might think. Read More
Based on their definitions, Marketing Qualified Leads and Sales Qualified Leads should equal, however this almost never happens, even in a perfect lead generation program. Read More
The Content Creation Curation is a visual representation of the week that was in Social Media.

I use Pinterest as a repository for all the articles I find to be extremely valuable to the social media user seeking success Online. Read More

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