You most likely know there are a few absolutely crucial things your blog needs to have in order to succeed. Without those things in place, no matter how hard you try, you’re going to have an extremely hard time getting your visitors to stay and come back, what’s more… You’ll Constantly Need to Driv Read More
The Daily Scrum, Episode 10 is now available! In this episode we chat about whether measuring velocity is a waste of time based on the Ken Schwaber article Waste Not. Read More
We all make assumptions and usually we assume the worst. Every time you assume something in your business, you are missing out on fabulous opportunities. Read More
The most successful brands around us across many categories have succeeded by having a core brand belief drive what they do and how they compete. Like Apple, Subway, Dog's Trust Read More
When you think about marketing (let’s forget any costs at all at this stage) what are the core benefits that you are looking to derive from marketing activities? Read More
Hello everyone. I want to share something special today. Surprised to hear this? Oh! Don’t be!
The day is indeed very special for iTechCode. The reason being the date – 16th June! Today iTechCode turns 6 months old. So today is iTechCode’s 1/2e birthday.
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By following a few tips and tricks, one can easily become the winner of a blog contest. So, you need to make some efforts and show some ingenuity to get declared as the winner of a blog contest. Read More
More value is not better! More value is confusing and distracting. More value can create complexity from the point of view of the customer---they have to figure out and sort through all the stuff we throw at them. More value wastes customer time and resources in trying to understand exactly what va Read More
Print products are good marketing tools for any event or occasion. Print business cards, postcards, posters, banners, for business promotions especially as we celebrate the father's Day. Read More
Business owners inevitably make mistakes along the way, learn which common mistakes to avoid along the way. Read More

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