J was married to H, a business owner whose firm did not remit its payroll taxes. When the firm was liquidated, H was held personally responsible for the taxes. H subsequently converted a non-profit that he operated into a for-profit and made J sole owner. Read More
The idea of spending more on something can be seriously scary to some people. Why would you spend more, when you can get something for less? The truth is that sometimes it’s worth it to spend more. Read More
One of the first things Catherine Kaputa told me, when I interviewed her over the phone, was that everyone is an entrepreneur. You still need to brand yourself and think like an entrepreneur. Read More
The PR Verdict: “D” (It's a Dud) for Burger King. New launches like this undermine claims that the industry is dedicated to helping solve the national obesity problem. Why not at least come out with a new smoothie at the same time?
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While blogging has become a marvelous hobby, blogs are also turning out to be a splendid tool to impress your future employers. Read More
We all need some inspiration to help our efforts to improve economic and business performance so I thought that these top ten tips from the leadership coach might help other business owners to focus on business and employee growth simultaneously. Hope you like them. Read More
Trade shows can be an expensive investment for a small business or startup to participate, are they worth it? Here we discuss some advantages of trade shows for small business. Read More
By Rieva Lesonsky. Summer’s here and for most communities, that means the season of outdoor fairs, festivals and other events is underway. For a small business, community events like these can be a great opportunity to market your products and services to local residents and other event-goers. Here Read More
Blockbuster saw Netflix coming and did nothing to defend their position. Blockbuster was the category killer of local mom-and-pop video stores, expanding to over 9000 stores at its peak. They were the VHS and DVD behemoth, but they were also... Read More
Despite the hype, I as an internet marketer, don't focus so heavily on SEO and keywords. With the right tips and tricks, you won't have to either. Read More

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