This article is about the traffic of top bloggers and how they got the traffic at the beginning. How they built their traffic up, based on their practices. Read More
Last week, I attended BlogWorld/New Media Expo in New York City. This week, I’d like to share some of the things I learned by attending various sessions. Here are a few tips that Lewis Howes offered on starting your own business.
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The following article outlines 7 myths about social media success. If you are just starting out or your efforts are not paying off, this blog post is for you! Read More
I am one of those “everything happens for a reason” people. In my experience, things that seem to happen by chance are often not really coincidences at all. In hindsight, seem to be a part of some divine plan. Read More
The points here will help you understand why a blog should be the hub of your online branding and marketing efforts with social networks being outreach posts. Read More
It’s a good thing 13-year-old Kyla LoPresti can remember her dreams. She can thank one of them for her early taste of literary success.

The Bailey Middle School student has written and published her first novel, about a teenage girl who is reincarnated and experiences flashbacks of her earlier Read More
One of the most common recurring costs in your life is likely to be insurance. One way that you can save on your insurance is to increase your deductible. Read More
Facebook uses a proprietary algorithm called Edgerank to dictate the visibility of content in user’s streams. The effect of this is that much content may be either reduced in visibility or not shown at all to a significant percentage of a brand’s audience. And when there is a history of poor engage Read More
" - If you sit all day at work, you may want to pay attention to recent research which demonstrates that prolonged sitting at work raises the risk of dying from cardiac and metabolic diseases, as well as the risk of dying from all causes, even if you work out." Read More
The phone is better than email. Meeting face-to-face is better still, but the more personal your interactions with your clients, the less scalable your business is. The "personal touch" is something that is at a premium today as so many organizations build layers and layers of barriers between the Read More

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