Twitter ads are not as laser focused as Facebook ads, however you can choose by country and you also have a choice of 5 different messages you can promote with the ad. I like this option because it allowed me vary the test and promote a wider range of offerings. I also, think that people tend to ha Read More
As a business owner you’ve got something you want the world to know about.

But in order for people to be willing to help you spread the word about your cool new thing, you must do two things. Read More
Strong writing requires both inspiration and perspiration - and it's important to have a balance of both in order to create compelling content on a consistent basis.

Here are a few tips to help with the writing process.
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Sales is a numbers game. However, how you interpret this data is completely up to you. It can be a drama or an opportunity. Check out how I portray this in my latest business cartoon. Read More
Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer, as Churchill said. And in times like these the odds of going for the impossible and succeed are even higher. Read More
If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner with a modest budget for SEO, prior to contracting anybody there are a few steps you can do by yourself. Read More
Its official; let it be known that Google is sick and tired of spammers and algorithm manipulators. This is evident by their recent ‘Penguin’ update that has been rolling out over the last week. This update that was announced at the SXSW conference by Matt Cutts briefly outlined what was going to c Read More
Opting for blog customization by marketing affiliate products is a good idea. However, you need to ensure that these products are of high quality. Additionally, make sure that the merchant enjoys a good reputation in the market. Read More
Many business owners feel bored with their logo designs after few years. In such a situation, they think about introducing a fresh logo. However, this may not be a good idea because logo acts as the strongest representative of a company. Read More
Wherever you look, you’ll find people telling you that you are who you are and you need to like yourself. They’ll even say changing your character is a sign of weakness. This is, obviously, untrue. On top of that, there are some things you absolutely have to give up if… Read More

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