Throughout history, businesses have always been looking for new ways to connect with customers. Starting in the 1990’s, Ramon De Leon’s Domino’s in Chicago began using AOL Instant Messenger to reach out to customers, and in the 2000’s they began using social media. Now, they create content for cust Read More
How important is goal setting for you?  I guess on a scale of one to ten you might give it a three, maybe a four.  This is a fairly low score for something so important for success. This makes me wonder; why would you give goal setting such a low score? Why do we shy [...] Read More
Social Media Statistics Infographic for Australia April 2012. Finally the social media statistics for 2012 are out. Read More
I have always loved the proverb, Necessity is the mother of all invention. In this post, I detail five personal lessons I have derived from this proverb over the years. Read More
3 solutions that you can implement as a small business owner to ensure quality assurance if you do not have the money to invest in systems or additional labor, such as the large businesses do. Read More
7 common mistakes described here cost small business owners lot of money. Learn how to avoid them and save on marketing while improving your sales and profit. Read More
Here are the events and bills (some are currently in House and Senate committees) that have thus far defined ecommerce taxation. Read More
What is a Performance Review? To start, the most basic answer to the question ���what is a performance review��� is that it is a form of appraisal and evaluation of an employee���s contribution in terms of time, quality, cost and quantity. It is generally performed by the correspon... Read More
As a small business, one of your greatest goals should be getting more customers/clients. If it’s not this, then what else would you want? More customers mean more money for your business which in turn increases your business’ lifespan. As you know, the only way to grow your customer base is to giv Read More
In the beginning all businesses are just people playing out an idea. It’s never the other way around – there is no idea so big that it doesn’t need people to make it succeed. Investors know this, hence the saying “Bet on the jockey (founder), not the horse (idea).” A great jockey is a great role mo Read More

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