Whether you're self-employed or an employee, if you use a car for business, you get the benefit of tax deductions. Read More
ERP horror stories abound. Often companies are oversold. There are proven midrange systems that can be implemented quickly so that you can begin enjoying better efficiencies and ROI. It's important to choose wisely. Read More
Now, in case you don’t know, homonyms are words that sound exactly the same (or very similar), although they’re spelled differently and often mean completely different things. Now, as you probably already realize, using homonyms are where a whole lot of people, even professional writers and blogger Read More
There are many components that make up a robust online marketing campaign today. It’s not enough to just have a website. In order for that website to be found you need to participate in numerous online marketing tactics that need to be integrated together into one strategy. Two important parts of a Read More
The SEO community has been a buzz this past week with the latest update from Google, named Penguin. Penguin came down the pipeline last week, right on the tail of the latest Panda update. Since most of the big updates in the past year have been focused on Panda, many site owners are left wondering Read More
A straightforward solution and offers a small business the basic tools to organize, communicate and track projects. Read More
Site prebuilder is one of the world's top small business blogs! Recently, Technorati started sending more and more traffic to my business blog. Read More
Often, graphic designers are faced with a demand from their clients to finish a project as soon as possible. Needless to say, it is not really possible to do so but is commonplace in the brochure design industry. This article offers some suggestions to handle your flyer design work and client withi Read More
Clark is a local business owner who’s constantly on the go meeting clients, employees, distributors, customers, vendors, and so forth. Throughout the day he’s in his office, on the subway, at lunch, walking to meetings, giving presentations and much more. Read More
In order to stay viable in an ultra-competitive online marketplace a website that performs well and delivers leads is a necessity. There are two options for implementing a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy; one is that of the company that does their SEO in- house. Read More

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