AdeyemiAdisa commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How To Develop Good Business Ideas And Motivation To Achieve Your Goals
"I understand where you are coming from. I think it's not just about developing good business ideas but also about being motivated to ensure that that "good business idea" actually come to reality. Thanks for reading and commenting!"How Business Owners Can Make Social Media Marketing Work For Them
"You are very right! There is more to social media than just promotional and marketing activities. I think there is no other avenue that offers huge opportunities of meeting other professionals in similar fields than social media. Thanks for reading and commenting!"Attitude As A Top Principle For A Successful Entrepreneur
"@ HeatherStone, I remember my dad used to tell me that attitude is what makes people successful. No matter how great a thinker you might be, you still need that positive attitude to be able to make it happen. Thanks for reading & commenting!"« previous12345 next »
How To Develop Good Business Ideas And Motivation To Achieve Your Goals
"I wholeheartedly agreed with you that entrepreneurship is not for everyone. To me, it's like an unknown destination where only the strong and courageous ones will be able to succeed. I personally like where Anthony (the writer) mentioned "Many of us will work for others while many of us will actually be able to employ other people to work for us." Thanks for reading!"