LWatrous commented on the following stories on BizSugar
6 Steps to Fast Customer Conflict Resolution
"Whenever I have an upset client, I give them a chance to explain why they are upset, before I say anything else. If the message is angry, I step away from it for a few hours and think about their position before I fire back in anger. I defend myself when right and explain why I took that course of action, then offer one or two ways to fix it. Even "angry" clients have hired me again because of my diplomatic approach. The key is to remember you are in business for yourself, and you can't get too upset about it personally."WHAT? You don't have a Facebook Page?!
"I've been on facebook since it was available for students only. I neglected it because at the time I was an online student, with a child and few friends who even qualified to join the network. In the beginning, I didn't quite get what the deal was. Several years later, I find myself saying the same thing to many people and business owners I know."Celebrate loving being an entrepreneur everyday.
"I love my job, and I especially love my boss. She lets me take a day off when I feel crummy, and I never have to worry about being spotted in public when I want to play hookey. My hubby and I joke about my boss being awesome quite often when I decide to break up the monotony of working from home every once in a while. ;)"Subscribe
Truth: How Freelancers Make Money While Sleeping
"I love seeing success stories like this."