SMARTSMMBiz commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How to Improve Your Social Media Marketing
"I'm seeing a lot of focus on the trappings, like getting x amount of likes or followers by a certain date because people feel that that metric is what social media is all about. There's a need for social media to be more social and people are starting to get that..."Time spent on Google+ dwindles while Pinterest draws growing user interest
"As much as I'd like to get fully behind Google, I'm still not convinced that G+ is THAT valuable except as a ranking factor on their own search engine. With Bing slowly coming up and social contexting becoming a factor in page "Subscribe
3 Ways Facebook Ads Help With Exposure
"Thanks! There were a lot of die hard Google Ad lovers who just swore by the "Big G" and just wouldn't entertain the notion of FB ads but the tide is slowly turning towards social context + page rank. Time will tell. Thanks for your comment :)"