ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Twitter Offers a Guide for Business Users
"Twitter is definitely for business and, if I remember correctly, there was a survey showing a huge majority of Tweeters use it for this purpose. Ultimately, it seems to me most likely that this large user base is the one Twitter is counting upon when it finally unveils a business model. "How To Be A Successful Entrepreneur
"Play to your strengths and don't overestimate your capabilities. This sounds negative but it's not. It's easier to work up from a simple beginning than to realize you're completely overwhelmed by the workload necessary just to get things running. Start with baby steps."Push Marketing Versus Pull Marketing |
"A very interesting look at marketing strategies. It's interesting how outside the business to business world there is yet another layer between business and customer or can be depending on your product and, of course, some marketing must be aimed at them as well."Brands on the Social Web: Creating Mind Share Through Social Media
"A great post with some great points. Not only do these brands define the very idea of niche marketing and how niches can be expanded but it pretty well shows why focusing too much on that first product placement is a waste of time. All great ideas develop organically and few are realized all at once no matter what those who had them say later."Your Toughest Race
"Amen to this, Rodney. In the end, it may have been Seth Godin or somebody like that (and I'm paraphrasing here) who suggested that this is the fundamental difference between managers and leaders. Because managers don't handle change particularly well (may in fact try to prevent it) while leaders thrive on it. "Subscribe
Profitable Small Business Ideas You Can Start Today
"Don't get caught up on that perfect good idea. Many people have great business ideas, and almost any good idea will often do if you have a passion for the business you hope to start. The key is the discipline to follow through and make that business successful in the months and years ahead."