ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Why You Should Throw Out Your Marketing Tactics and Tools
"The last time I tried to write a post while watching TV the results were much less impressive than this, Susan. Thanks for the thought provoking perspective especially from a marketer of forgetting about some of the bells and whistles and getting down to the basics of figuring out how to connect with customers."Is Your Ego Too Involved in Your Business?
"Great link, Shashi. Thanks. Running your own business almost always can expose you to more rejection than you'll probably ever see at most jobs. After all, even if an employer complains about everything you do in the workplace, if at the end of the day you still have a job that's kind of an implicit approval. Also, rejection while job hunting ends once you're hired and there's no way of knowing after that how many other employers would have also approved have you if you had kept interviewing. But being in business for yourself can mean getting rejected for jobs a lot (every new client you approach is like another job interview) and being fired a lot (every time a customer drops you or doesn't come back for more service.) "The B2B marketing “wow” that counts is the one on the bottom line.
"Great link and right on target for so much online marketing today. I love Seth's post, as well, and here's why. Increasingly, it seems to me success is about specially targeting an audience, and this runs directly counter to focusing on numbers. This doesn't mean numbers aren't important or that you won't get them. It means that numbers alone will do you no good without focusing on the kind of people you're interacting with. "How to Prepare for the Sale of Your Business
"Thanks for the post. Great things to keep in mind. I think it's especially important to consider the various parts of the business when thinking about selling. Sometimes entrepreneurs focus so much on their business as a whole they forget how certain parts may represent greater value to a buyer while other parts might not interest them at all."What Great Hospital Care Can Teach Us About Running Our Own Businesses
"It's amazing how many people complain about the cost of medical care but don't shop around for a cheaper option. Maybe with healthcare coverage assuming the insurance they buy let's them visit the doctors, hospitals and specialists of their choice, they will try to save money. They want lower premiums and a lower deductible for the service they receive. But how many people do you know who leave a doctor they are comfortable and happy with and look around for another one simply on the basis of price, unless a new healthcare plan at work forces them to? "How Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky: Let's Take This Offline
"John, I think we're talking primarily about just one kind of blog here. There are many ways to use blogging technology as a marketer as you, I'm sure, are aware, and while I can think of many businesses that don't need a blog, I can think of tons of others that do...and not all in high tech industries. Blogs also add authority to Websites in Google search, can actually be part of your business model in some cases and don't need to attract millions of visitors to be effective. Blogs simply need to target your audience and help them find you in the vast online universe. If they've done that, they've definitely accomplished their mission."Subscribe
Yelp As a Mini Online Reputation Management Case Study
"It's interesting that a company that has literally built its brand around the idea of providing feedback (good or bad) on all businesses is now on the receiving end of some very negative feedback. Which in one way is an indication that the concept Yelp has worked hard to establish is definitely taking hold."