Amabaie commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Is SEO now the same as PR?
"I totally disagree that "In the past, the two disciplines used to work completely independently of one another". SEO has always been one part technical, one part PR when done right. People looking for shortcuts and lacking imagination has developed schemes for building links just for SEO, but the truly worthwhile links have always been from PR."How Targeting Influencers Can Sky Rocket Your Blog : @ProBlogger
"This is a must-read. It's a strategy I am increasingly recognizing as important, especially as the Internet gets saturated with information; everybody's challenge will be to sift through it all to figure out who has authority, and influence marketing will help."Subscribe
How to Guest Blog in Light of Google's Restrictions
"Just for the record, Google has not made an "restrictions". You are still free to do whatever you wish to do on your own blog. I reject most offers to guest post; I decide what is spammy."