Bizjesecons commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Long Commutes Can Kill So Start Your Business From Home
"Good point. However, not every work from home business is worth it. You can spend all the time sitting by your computer you risk your health as well. You need to choose the kind of business that will also allow you time to live the kind of lifestyle you envisage like playing table tennis, going for choir practice, going to the beach, cycling, etc"Guest Blogging To Build A Loyal Fan Base & Increase Traffic
"Writing guest posts is like killing two birds with a stone. Getting backlinks and traffic at the same time. Great post. I also like the liked the research where you mentioned sites that can pay you to write. Really, building an online business should help you retire in a safer way if done right"« previous1 next »
How to make your blog famous in 30 days - Internet marketing guide
"Consistency is important. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. I hope this post helped you."