Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Do Your Employees Need a Dose of Criticism?
"Hi Rieva. How many people were in the control group, and was it a "double-blind" procedure where a 2nd group of equal size was left alone, and their productivity gaged as well? (It's quite possible some people's productivity just went up or down all on its own - which is why we need a double-blind test.) The larger the control group, the better. If it was less than 10's of thousands, the results are necessarily very sketchy, in scientific terms. Millions would be even better. Duncan"F*ing and Blinding
"Hi Barney. The other side of the coin is what would you say if you were among co-workers, friends, or family (your Mother or Grandmother) - small children or nuns who you knew would be offended by the language. Do you say it anyway (maybe rarely), or control it? You need to consider your audience. If you're out with your buddies, that's another thing - let fly. In a work environment I regularly had to modify my speech according to who was there - all gals. There were 2 who cussed like lumberjacks, and another who talked like a 900# sex-line operator, but also several who were highly offended by such talk. I never had a problem with bad language, but it did bother me when someone else in the room was offended by a 3rd party - I respected their views. Duncan"How To Leverage Online Reviews For Your Company
"Hi Chris. I don't agree that not acknowledging a negative revue automatically means the business agrees with the complainant. There are many possibilities, including the possibility that the business is unaware they're even listed on the web at all, since they didn't initiate it (I see a lot of this, especially with local restaurants). If the complainant is known as a troll, acknowledging it will only fan the fire. My problem is that it's not even necessary for someone to be a customer in order to leave a review - good, or bad. Until all reviews are limited to verified customers, I'll never believe a word of it. Duncan"Subscribe
On Thanking Business Blog Readers and a Message from Porky Pig
"Hi Yoni - and, I guess, Bye. It saddens me dearly to see you stop blogging, but I certainly respect your wishes. I would say: "Say it ain't so!!", but your reasons seem ultimately compelling. If you get the urge, be sure to drop by and delight us once again. You WILL be missed! Happiness & Good Luck in All you do! Duncan"