Jennybhatt commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Reader Question: Turning a Hobby into a Business
"Thanks, Heather. Yes, I agree that running a business is going to require a different mindset to that of a hobby. This is why I generally also recommend that people start their hobby business part-time first - decide if they are going to like it enough to go full-time. Appreciate the comments."Introducing Lean Planning: How to plan less and grow faster
"I like how this approach fits in nicely with Steve Blank's and Eric Ries'. I've read them both this year and learned a lot from their advice. Thanks for this post too. I've also come across a bunch of stuff from Tim Berry and like the plan-as-you-go approach."Subscribe
Merry Christmas From Tweak Your Biz
"Merry XMas and congratulations on the Managing Editorship, Sian. [And to Niall, belatedly, on the wedding.]"