M4bmarketing commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Simplify And Free Up Your Time | M4B Marketing
"Your post and idea sounds interesting Martin and I bet many would like to free up time when negotiating. Regarding prices, most of feedback has been positive and could see how it simplifies it for potential customers. Some also like the way I have packages on the site and are looking to do the same. That said, others don't agree with it. Susan"Could These Silly Mistakes Cost Your Business Sales? | M4B Marketing
"Totally agree with what you said Heather. And I still see businesses still try to use it with digital products which does't make sense. The other thing about scarcity such as seats is to make sure there is a good price with it as it can be a motivator to get people to commit early. Susan"Subscribe
Do Your New Customers Have Selective Hearing? | M4B Marketing
"Good points Heather and you have added an other aspect to the article. Your example also illustrates barriers or friction that we can offer which are not in the best interests of businesses or customers. Susan"