M4bmarketing commented on the following stories on BizSugar
What Are The Best Tactics To Get New Customers? | M4B Marketing
"Hi Heather, Good idea about brainstorming and it is good to remember not all the factors will be important at the same time. They are just a few things to think about, except for customers who will always need to be factored in. Susan"Subscribe
Why You Shouldn’t Be So Quick to Disable the New Gmail Tabs
"Hi Susan, I actually laughed at the number of emails that landed in my gmail account telling me how to change the tabs. After the 5th one I deleted them as they all said the same thing. I like your article and what many marketers do not realise is that some do not mind Google doing this. I think what freaked some out was they are under the promotions tab. What they perhaps should have done is track what happens with their emails and see if it had any affect on their open rates, clicks etc. If it did then they could take action versus looking like they have panicked and not give their subscribers credit to sort out what they want to view in their account. Susan"