ScottDudley submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In the world of social media, LinkedIn is often underestimated when compared to sites such as Facebook and Twitter. While LinkedIn does not command the amount of visitors as these other sites, there are still over 100 million active users that log onto this website very frequently. Read More
Dentists have one goal if they want to keep their patients coming, and that is to set their practice apart from their competition. Read More
As the technology increases, the world is growing smaller and smaller. People are able to now connect with one another across the globe within seconds thanks to the progress of the internet and various websites. Read More
We don’t know what the future holds, which is just as well or we’d be living an extremely boring existence really! Read More
Most people who have a Twitter account use it to share any type of thought or feeling they have with the world. These tweets can range from a simple statement to a controversial view on an even more controversial topic. Read More
Any business plan should have a target audience in mind – a section of the market that you are aiming your product or service at and that you think will be interested in what you have to offer. Read More
As you may already know, most premium domain names are already registered -- either in use by their owners or for sale at high prices. Read More
Contrary to what you may believe, it is actually possible to earn passive income through blogging. It may take some upfront effort, but when done properly, it can actually earn you a pretty penny. Read More
I have noticed that many marketers are of the opinion that both black hat and white hat SEO is a waste of time because Google changes the rules all the time. But in actual fact it is only the people that engage in black hat SEO that risk getting their sites penalised, or de-indexed. Read More
2012 looks to be a transitional year for the economy. While the market appears to be improving, companies looking to succeed online should maintain a recession-friendly business plan. Read More

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