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ScottDudley submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Here’s something you might relate to…

One of my least preferred ways to spend my time is filling out paperwork at tax time. It’s just one of those things I find as exciting as getting your teeth pulled out at the dentist.

Those long forms never seem to end… and a lot of the questions are diff Read More
Wanna know one of my pet peeves?

It’s when you go to pay for food at a restaurant or a food court and they tell you they only accept cash.

Every time this happens (and it seems to happen to me a bit) I think to myself, “Are we still in the 20th century”?

You see, I don’t like to carry cash Read More
As you’ve probably discovered it’s harder than ever to get people to open your emails.

Between flooded inboxes, spam folders, not recognising the sender and poor subject lines… there are a number of variables to overcome. Read More
One of the biggest challenges with writing copy is getting the messaging right, so your reader can relate to what you’re saying… and know it’s for them.

You see, most marketers believe they know their target market well. And because of it, they guess what messaging and hooks will get people inte Read More
One of the most common things that murders conversion rates is weak headlines.

Cuz you might have the best sales letter in the world, but it is useless unless you have a benefit driven headline that motivates the prospect to keep reading. Read More
No matter how high your open rates are you’d have to admit there is always room for improvement.


And let’s face it, most people have their inboxes hammered each day. And getting your emails opened is not easy. Read More
One thing that often bamboozles info marketers is whether to use a VSL or a text sales letter to sell their products.

And there’s a lot of debate over which format is better. Read More
One thing a lot of marketers are guilty of is writing bullets that are bland and weak, and fail to get the reader excited.

Often you’ll find a writer has only included features in their bullets, without any mention of benefits… and this is a huge response killer. Read More
The biggest problem with making outlandish claims in headlines is that it can immediately set off the readers BS detector.

Because if you make a claim that sounds too far fetched, the natural reaction of most people is skepticism. And more often than not, they’re going to dismiss the claim as no Read More
When writing sales copy, one thing you want to avoid is getting the reader offside by pretending you know everything about them.

Sometimes this is done without even realising it. Read More

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