ShawnHessinger submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Building employee pride in your small business can be the key to success. Employees who take pride in their work will improve your company over time, and the responsibility for creating this pride lies with you, the small business owner. Here, from, is list of tips that will help create the sense of pride in your workforce, no matter Read More
The title of this great online resource for small business tips is misleading. Posted on the Website of SCORE, an organization dedicated to advising America's small business community, this page contains top five lists of tips for almost every aspect of small business imaginable. From business planning to legal and tax advice, this site has it al Read More
From LifeTips comes this great list of home business or home based business tips. Designed for the work-at-home-mom or any entrepreneur working from the home, the list looks at maximizing the work/life balance that makes home based business so appealing in the first place. However, it also focuses on how to maintain a sense of professionalism even Read More
Small Business Labs reports 26 percent of federal stimulus contracts are going to small business. Does this seem like a high or low number to small business people out there? How does it square with the number of small businesses in the US and the percentage they occupy in the economy? My impression is that the number seems low but I may be wrong. Read More
When it comes to small business branding, Ed Roach at suggests entrepreneurs take the center stage. Ed explains: "Stepping into the spot light makes you into an icon for your brand. It provides a genuine personality that a prospective customer can relate to. It authenticates your brand offering and helps to position the Read More
Small business marketing using a blog remains one of the simplest most inexpensive means of marketing your business. Being in the business of running blogs for other people, I realize, of course, I can be relied upon for talking about blogs all day and all night. But the fact remains that, despite the influx of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Lin Read More
Every once in a while here at, we like to throw something a little bit different your way. Do you really want to start a business? It can be presumed that since you're here, you already run a business or are thinking of starting one. Watch out! Launching your own company isn't for the faint at heart. Entrepreneur Erica Douglass tell Read More
If you read part 1 of this series of links you know that cloud computing helps your small or medium sized business by replacing loads and loads of software which you must then pay to install and operate with a shared service including lots of helpful applications that you pay for like a utility and let someone else maintain. You also know Dell and Read More
Cloud computing helps your small or medium sized business by replacing loads and loads of software which you must then pay to install and operate with a shared service including lots of helpful applications that you pay for like a utility and let someone else maintain. Frederic Paul of reports that Dell and, a cloud comp Read More

10 Tips for Taking Your Small Business Global

10 Tips for Taking Your Small Business Global - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Global
From 5386 days ago
Made Hot by: arthurbland on October 9, 2009 12:33 pm
Of course, one obvious way to expand your customer base in tough economic times is to take your small business global and here are 10 tips to help you do so. Certainly, technology, particularly the Internet, has made it easier financially for even the smallest businesses to seek global clients with the right strategy. Here, from a vintage 2008 Sma Read More

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