ShawnHessinger submitted the following stories to BizSugar

After complaints over government bailout of giant corporations judged "to big to fail", U.S. small businesses could see billions of dollars coming their way soon. David Cho and Brady Dennis report in this piece from the Washington Post on a plan that could create a pool of funding from the U.S. Department of Treasury, Federal Reserve and private Read More

Small Business Social Media Use Debated

Small Business Social Media Use Debated - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Online Marketing
From 5373 days ago
Made Hot by: ThomasPickering on October 19, 2009 1:07 pm
Well, we might have known the debate over small business social media use wouldn't end quickly. In a recent post on your online column "The Social", Caroline McCarthy again questions whether small businesses that use social media are less than objective about its value. Needless to say, so are those peddling social media services. And that's O Read More
This video shows how to use Google AdWords to grow your small business. The key is to target the specific customers not only interested in your goods and services but also sometimes those looking for those goods and services in a very specific geographic area. In this presentation from, we look at how paying the fee for pai Read More
If you have a passion to be an entrepreneur but are wondering how to find help with your small business, just watch this video for some tips. Money reporter Stacy Johnson files this report on how beginning small business people can link up with experienced business mentors willing to help them make their dreams come true through SCORE, a program m Read More
A recent link we posted "How Small Business Feels about Health-Care Reform" was so popular and well-received we've decided to try to get the bizSugar community's input on another important issue for small business, tax reform. Our link here is to a letter from the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy, essentially part of the gov Read More
This piece from the New York Times looks at treating your career as a small business. Though it may be less than familiar territory to some, especially those who hoped to be with one business or employer for all or most of their career, there's a great deal ordinary job seekers or job holders can learn from the small business community. And, in f Read More
In this series, CNN Small Business talks to 50 small business owners about their home towns. The objective: to figure out from small business owners themselves the best communities to start a small business and how different communities stack up. It's an interesting series that looks at communities from many perspectives and through the Read More
Wow! A great article from small business expert Steve Strauss at USA about bending or breaking the rules. No, we're not talking about ignoring government regulations or cheating when reporting your income or expenses. We're talking about bending rigid rules you've made when it comes to customers. It's easy to understand why businesse Read More
Another article, this one from BusinessWeek, on the health-care reform issue and how small businesses (or at least the lobbyists representing them) seem to be weighing in. The issue is an important one for small business certainly and, of course, much has already been posted on the subject, but in addition to sharing this article, I thought the fo Read More
And following up on two previous links here at bizSugar on selling a small business, here from via AOL are some important tips for buying a small business (or a business of any kind for that matter) including a list of 25 things to consider before putting together the deal. Starting a business is certainly not for everyone and, of Read More

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