ShawnHessinger submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Small businesses may be able to create their own economic recovery. Here is a story about small businesses that did just that. (Note: Businesses that help others cut costs were among the most successful. CNN's Small Business learns the method some companies use to improve their bottom line when everyone else is loosing money. How can sm Read More
Small business funding in the U.S. may be in serious jeopardy if CIT Group, one of the nation's largest lenders, fails in a restructuring plan aimed at trimming $5.7 billion in debt, CNN reported recently. The company will likely face bankruptcy if it fails to restructure its debt, bad news for small businesses nationwide for whom the c Read More
Here are the top 10 commandments for success in affiliate marketing from Gregory Go of online business. Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative online business for some, claims Go, so long as some critically important rules are adhered too. Among the most important ideas stressed by Go is that affiliate marketing is not a means of making Read More

Questions Raised Over Small Business Funding

Questions Raised Over Small Business Funding - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5387 days ago
Made Hot by: JohnH on October 9, 2009 1:04 am
This article from CNN Money Small Business again raises questions over small business funding. While the U.S. Small Business Administration claims it's given plenty of money to the small business sector, a tally of the numbers and where money is being awarded may not bear out those claims. Criticism of the SBA and the degree to which it truly hel Read More
The Federal Trade Commission may target bloggers alleging deceptive trade practices. See this article from cnet news on the new rules proving once again that honesty and transparency in Internet business is as critical as transparency in the real world. There are varying degrees of opinion about what kind of disclosure constitutes ethical conduct Read More
Not all businesses have been impacted by the recession. Take this shop selling traditional lanterns in Hong Kong. Watch the following video from South China Morning Post to learn why some businesses are surviving and even flourishing despite the downturn. Interestingly, the business does not sell necessities, and still does well even in an economy Read More
Attorney Andy Forman provides legal advice for small businesses seeking bankruptcy protection in our tough economy. Forman says an important thing to consider is legal structure of your business to decide which bankruptcy filing might be most appropriate. Though bankruptcy is something many small business owners may not want to think about, it's Read More
This is a very interesting presentation from Harry Brooks of Network Solutions, a consulting fir dealing with search market strategies for small business. Though the video and occasionally the sound on this video is occasionally less than stunning the message about how to do do search engine marketing is worth a poorly placed external mic and very Read More
A great checklist on marketing your small business by distributing free merchandise and services. This article highlights the do-s and don't-s of using freebies to feature your products and services... Read More
Newsletters seem so common in this computer age that many small business owners overlook implementing this low cost marketing tool. Find out the best and basic ways to start your own small business newsletter... Read More

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