StellaShveyqgd submitted the following stories to BizSugar

A Google engineer has refuted claims that most people cannot tell the difference between paid and organic search results.

A recent article on Medium references a study on how many people can recognize search ads. Read More
Are you wondering what some of the brightest minds in marketing think about the future of the industry? Concerned about how marketing will change this year?

Find out what Seth Godin, Mitch Joel, Mari Smith, Michael Stelzner, and other top marketers see on the near horizon. Read More
B2B service providers need sales enablement content more than ever to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. This is how to bridge the gap between sales and marketing to ensure your content is on point and effective.

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Accessibility is a factor that has traditionally been on the margins of SEO and web development. There are solid business reasons for why accessibility should be a top consideration. Accessibility can have a positive effect on sales and SEO. Read More
Rapid advances in AI technologies mean marketing automation is no longer optional. It’s a mainstay of modern marketing. Read More
Try these 10 awesome ideas for using iOS 12 Shortcuts, Siri, Process Street and Zapier to streamline your workflows and unlock the power of automation. Read More
Seeing as content marketing generates more leads than traditional marketing while costing less, it’s no surprise that companies are creating content. Read More
Do you want more organic visibility in the Facebook news feed? Wondering what types of posts and content are working for others?

In this article, you’ll find 13 ways to create Facebook posts that generate meaningful interactions and improve organic news feed visibility. Read More
Renegard uses Process Street to enable manual, on-the-ground workers to execute tasks more efficiently and enable their managers to oversee all activity in real-time. They also use process automation to streamline the hiring and onboarding process. We spoke to their CEO, David Martin, about how the Read More
SEO and PPC may be separate marketing channels with unique roles and purposes, but they both play for the same team.

Ultimately, the goal of both SEO and PPC is to attract people to your website.

Faced with financial limitations, marketers are often driven by thoughts of final results. Read More

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