TaylorBPT submitted the following stories to BizSugar

How necessary is a business plan when starting a business? Is writing a business plan just a waste of time? Is a business plan the only way I can get my idea funded? The answers to these questions can at times be misconstrued. Read More
All shared business ideas eventually reach a critical decision point – if the company makes money, who gets what? Deciding who gets how much, and why, at the very beginning of your venture will save you an enormous headache later on. Read More
The celebrity entrepreneur is not a new phenomenon, but a majority of celebrity business ventures ultimately flop. Here are 3 celebrity entrepreneurs that found startup success and what they can teach prospective business owners. Read More

The Emergence of Robotics in Small Business

Avatar Posted by TaylorBPT under News
From https://resources.businessplantoday.com 3461 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on March 22, 2015 5:33 am
The robotics industry is continuing to find its way into small and medium enterprises throughout a wide variety of industries. There is a new trend in the robotics industry to design machines that can work alongside their human counterparts. Say hello to the collaborative robot. Read More
Need to impress investors? Learn the important calculations you need to display to make a convincing business plan. We explain what you need and why. Read More
The legal structure you choose for your company has numerous consequences that you must fully understand -- especially in terms of taxation. Choose wisely. Read More
Motivating employees can be challenging. Offering company-wide raises is an easy fix, but are employees motivated by anything other than cash? Read More

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