Wishpond submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Branding your business on Facebook is part of any good social media marketing strategy.

By creating branded engagement and interaction on your Facebook page, you can increase brand awareness, rack up marketing touchpoints, and spread your message to friends of friends.

An increasingly popular Read More
I’ve been told by many peers that social media ROI is a fantasy and cannot be achieved. It may not be the easiest thing to measure, but it is most definitely attainable. Read More
Email lead generation is still one of the most effective ways to gain sales. Using social media marketing to generate these leads is a win-win situation. Read More
It’s not just about getting more Facebook fans - it’s about getting quality fans that will engage with your Facebook Page time and time again. We all know... Read More
Your audience is going to listen to your business if it’s going to help them. Providing Mother’s Day ideas not only helps them, but helps... Read More
One of the important aspects of social media is communication between your business and your customers/clients. With a push in the... Read More
Create online promotions to get fans involved. Take advantage of Mother’s Day and use contests to acquire more followers, likes,... Read More

Instagram Introduces 'Photos of You' Feature

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Social Media
From http://blog.wishpond.com 4103 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on May 7, 2013 12:25 pm
Instagram Introduces 'Photos of You' Feature Instagram has made a great update to their social network. Today Instagram has introduced a new feature called ‘Photos of You’ where you can add share... Read More
Capturing the Emotions of Mother’s Day Provide heartfelt content that triggers readers to feel emotional engagement between themselves, your business, and Mother’s Day. This is an easy holiday to... Read More
Relevant Content Marketing for Mother's Day Mother’s Day is the largest card sending holiday of the year, and more consumers buy gifts for Mother’s Day than any other holiday, except Christmas.... Read More

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