Creatingawebstore submitted the following stories to BizSugar

While I believe that a blog is a necessity for any business, whether you should start one really depends on your approach to blogging... You see, when I first started blogging, I failed miserably at it because I thought too much of myself... When in fact, I should have put the reader first and my Read More
Here's a tutorial on how to build a fully function basic website for your business in less than 40 minutes using WordPress. It covers everything from building the site to adding a store locator page, contact form and much more. Read More

How to Build an Online Store in Less Than an Hour

How to Build an Online Store in Less Than an Hour  - Avatar Posted by creatingawebstore under Sales
From 3666 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on May 22, 2014 8:45 am
After reviewing many different e-commerce solutions, I have decided to show people the easiest way to build an online store. In fact the process is so simple, that it takes less an 1 hour. Check out the video for yourself to see how easy it is to create one.
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The good old days of driving traffic to a website quickly and easily are pretty much gone. In the past I used to rely on Google… But due to major Google search algorithm updates which have been making it harder to rank brand new websites these days, Youtube has become more reliable. See why & how. Read More
When doing business online, there are always trends that manage to take the internet by storm. Daily deals in particular have been a huge trend over the last few years, but ever wondered what it takes to be turn your deal site into a successful one? Well these new analysis reports can help. Read More
I think it's safe to say that most businesses have a Facebook page these days. After all, this is a great way to stay in touch with customers, but wouldn't it be even better if you could get your customers to visit your store right there on Facebook? Well this tutorial shows you how to do just that. Read More
Here are over 50 ways that you can turn your WordPress blog into an e-commerce site. Everything from shortcode generators, pay now button generators, solutions for digital media sellers, fully functioning shopping carts and plugins that can integrate your blog with existing shopping cart software. Read More
This article shows you how you can make money (not just receive payments) through Checkout by Amazon. You just need an associates account, make some minor changes in seller central and Amazon does the rest. Read More
Information on how to make your store (or website for that matter) mobile friendly. This approach is even recommended by Google because it provides a more user friendly experience. A video has been added for demonstration purposes. Read More
Ebay introduced Lifestyle deals last month. While these deals are currently powered by Signpost, did you know that just about anyone can list a deal voucher on Ebay? Read More

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