Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Do you ever feel like Facebook is changing so fast it's hard to keep up with it all?

Don't worry, even the top Facebook marketers feel that way sometimes -- especially as Facebook continues to make it harder for marketers to get the results they want.

Facebook moves at a super fast pace, and Read More
The saying, as it goes, is that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Most people in the job market barely even get a first chance. Read More
So many brands don’t ‘get’ Pinterest, and fill up their page and boards with just their own content. Not only is this extremely boring for potential followers, it’s also not what Pinterest was originally designed for. Pinterest has always been a place for gathering delicious visuals and the best id Read More
The goal of marketing is to connect your business’ value to the right customer base. It’s a simple concept but it can take on a million different shades. Read More
There are hundreds of online marketing strategies that you can begin implementing today, but we’ve taken the time to highlight some of our favorites. We see a great value in many platforms and different ways to spend on advertisements and other campaigns, but we wanted to touch on a few strategies Read More
In this article, Benjamin will going to outline a few key principles that your SaaS app should adhere to as its minimum viable UX optimization. Read More
Instagram is a powerful tool for telling a visual story about your brand, but first you need to learn how to get Instagram followers. As social media users continue to demand more visual content, brands will need a platform where they can share photos and videos that will visually engage their targ Read More
Facebook constantly changes its game and it’s hard to keep up sometimes, but there are a few things that haven’t changed. A few simple things you can do to make sure that you’re making the most of your Facebook presence.

I agree that advertising can be quite tricky, and even organic reach may ha Read More
Having trouble getting people to your website? Want to know some ideas on how to expand your online reach? Many small businesses are trying to maximize their website visits but don't know where to get started. I will be talking you through 7 different ways that you can increase your website visits Read More
Not one of the major brands in market today started that way. The majority of these giants started small, and through a combination of perseverance, smart strategy and a little luck, came to be the worldwide household names we know today. So what online strategies can small businesses learn from bi Read More

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