Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The best way to get followers is to pin good stuff – and pin it all the time. Try scheduling a bunch of pins over the course of a week using online tools. Read More
Learn these amazing tips on looking to the future of your small business and in order to retain long-term success. Read More
Marketing is not easy, and if you’re a small local business with a small budget, it can be even more difficult. However, in the “new” age of the internet - small budgets can still be effective, efficient, and profitable. Small businesses should never count internet marketing out, even if their prod Read More
Many great tools are ignored when they’re first seen as users couldn’t think of any use for them at the time. It’s often only when they see someone making good use of it that they even remember it exists. For instance, most people forget about group DMs, despite the many interesting ways to use gro Read More
The internet is a vast, vast marketplace where you have all kinds of people – meaning you have all kinds of buyers, sellers, marketers, specialists, etc. Your business has unlimited potential to grow when it targets the internet as it’s market. I just want to share with you three basic internet mar Read More
Its potential is huge, but marketing automation also creates new organizational challenges. Here are some strategies for ensuring your project's success. Read More
We present a short selection of carefully chosen tips from the Web, each addressing a different facet of customer service. These tips can help you improve customer experiences as well as your company’s efficiency and bottom line. Read More
For a long time, the world of investing was limited to those with access to significant amounts of capital.

If you wanted to invest, you needed large sums of money. If you wanted investment, you needed someone with large sums of money.

The internet is changing this. Read More
Excellent customer service creates loyal customers for life; customers who are willing to refer your business to friends, family and colleagues. Providing this type of excellent customer service starts with a genuine desire to delight your customers, but you also have to think beyond selling your p Read More
Reading Twitter’s “Advertiser Blog” will go some way in helping, but you should also be funneling insights derived from your own testing processes back into your overall strategy. Read More

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