Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

It's no secret that Facebook is a marketing powerhouse showing no signs of slowing down. But when you really look at the stats, the numbers are truly staggering. Facebook boasts over 1,871,000,000 active users (and counting). Compared to Instagram’s 600 million, Twitter’s 317 million and LinkedIn’s Read More
Ready to host a Twitter chat?

Do you want to improve your chances of success?

Making sure you have a few basic building blocks in place will help you start your Twitter chat off with an audience that’s ready to participate.

In this article you’ll discover four tips to help you start a succ Read More
Are you in charge of getting your company’s social media marketing up and running? Using social media to grow your business, generate leads and build a brand may seem like a huge task, and in some ways it is. But there are steps you can follow to improve your chances of success, which will help you Read More
You need to make an organizational chart for your business, no matter what size your company is because it ensures your company can scale consistently with a clear view of its structure. It’s just as important as solid processes because it’s the single source of truth for the architecture of your b Read More
A solid strategy and dedicated effort on your part will undoubtedly show in the number of followers you have and the size of the community you have built Read More
Marketing on a budget can be tough, but when you're a small business, that's often the case. Here are 22 great marketing ideas for small businesses on a tight budget. Read More
Are you using Facebook to promote your business? If so, the way Facebook treats posts can make it hard for you to reach your followers with some kinds of content.

Facebook restricts the distribution of unpaid promotional material to the news feeds of users. The company has identified the followi Read More
Facebook reigns supreme as the king of social media. No other platform comes close in terms of flexibility or reach. It’s a wonderful tool to draw attention your Shop and get an impression of your customers. In other words: it’s a goldmine for your marketing efforts. Here are seven tips that will h Read More

How To Ignite Your Business With Twitter Chat

How To Ignite Your Business With Twitter Chat - https://www.forbes.com Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Social Media
From https://www.forbes.com 2592 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on May 31, 2017 9:29 am
With more than 300 million users on Twitter, it has become a powerful social selling tool for PR firms, social media consultants and business development coaches and others. Tweets with links, hashtags, catchy themes and creative images can lure your audience forward, driving them straight to your Read More
Would you like to improve your Facebook marketing?

Are you wondering what Facebook marketing tactics the pros are using?

We asked top social media pros to share their hottest Facebook marketing tactics.

In this article you’ll discover the latest tactics the pros use to boost their Facebook Read More

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