Highperformance submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Setting goals is one the staples of productivity, time management and success in general.

You want to achieve something, set a goal and it will (almost magically) happen!

You know that is not the way the world works, yet so many people keep on setting goals, hoping for the best, just to reali Read More
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your habits. Have enough good ones and you’ll be successful. Accumulate too many bad habits (such as biting your nails or excessive email checking) and you are headed for disaster.

The big question is how to break bad habits? Why do you ha Read More
Getting up early is a trait that many successful people share. From famous people in history like Benjamin Franklin to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, Olympic athletes and artists to entertainers, singers and entrepreneurs like Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter) and Richard Branson, waking up early in Read More
Science has proven time and time again that using positive thinking when working increases performance across the board (compared to working with a neutral or negative mindset). A positive attitude boost productivity by as much as 31%, as well as your creativity, willpower, energy, imagination and Read More
Goals give a direction, a purpose, to everything that you do. Without them you are just aimlessly jumping from task to task and that can only lead to overwhelm, dissatisfaction and lack of success.

However, simply setting goals is not enough! You need to set the RIGHT goals for yourself.

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How well you’ve mastered the skill of how to stay focused on the task at hand is going to determine your level of success. If you are able to stay focused at work, or at school, and on your goals, you’ll be productive, you’ll get things done and you’ll reach your goals in record time. Unfortunately Read More

Dumb down and scale up

Dumb down and scale up  - http://sethgodin.typepad.com Avatar Posted by highperformance under Marketing
From http://sethgodin.typepad.com 3529 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on October 15, 2014 3:09 am
Small businesses rule our economy, and each successful small businesses is expected to get bigger. Many successful small businesses are easily scaled. The owner has created something that can be repeated, a product that can be mass produced, a process... Read More
Time management, productivity and being overwhelmed by too many demands for your attention are all modern-day problems. But that does not mean that they are are solvable with modern-day tools. There is a principle that is more than 100 years old, but it holds the key to skyrocketing your productivi Read More

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