Ivanpw submitted the following stories to BizSugar

I want to sell my business but I don't want to sell now when business is down. Understandable, but from here is where the decisions becomes more difficult. Read More
This week's cloud business news roundup highlights the rise of niche cloud services - a cloud trend that will continue to be more prevalent in the near future. Read More
Choosing which entity to operate your business is one of the most important decisions you should make in starting a business. There is no pat answer, and in many cases you’ll want more than one entity. Consider these options as starting points: Read More
Here are some tips on how to plunge yourself into entrepreneurship, overcoming your doubts and start making a difference. Read More
With the right tool set, you can optimize your website both onsite and offsite. Here are SEO tools all small businesses should take advantage of. Read More
ZeroPC is your personal virtual desktop in the cloud. It can help you consolidate your web accounts in one place - and more. Our review on ZeroPC. Read More
Have you always been a health and fitness enthusiast? Do you work well with others and have a flair for marketing? This may be the perfect time for you to consider a career in personal training. Read More
Auto detailing can be a rewarding personal business if you are good at marketing and you don’t mind putting in a little extra hard work. Here are some tips on how to start an auto detailing business. Read More
Contrary to popular belief, Evernote and Dropbox are not the same type of cloud storage program. Should you have to choose one over the other? No. Read More
With the innovative web-based or cloud-based POS, the software is accessible online, making it easy to reach from any system at any time. Read More

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