Ivanpw submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Millions of people every year start online business and become web entrepreneurs because they think it's easy. Well, it's not. Read More
Some claim that cloud computing is over-hyped and actually not a better solution than IT. However, cloud computing is here to stay. Read More
Studies show that start-up ventures that graduate from an incubation program have a success rate of 87 percent, compared to 44 percent for all other firms. Read More
Cloud services can boost business performance at minimal capital investment on IT infrastructure. However, the price to pay for such perks is rather expensive. Read More
A look at the rapid growth of HubSpot in the last few years and the pedigree of its founders, however, suggest there is something more going on here. So what is HubSpot, and what do they have to offer? Read More
A lot of talk lately about Twitter and Google. So, to monetize Twitter properly, should Google buy Twitter? Read More
Your small business needs a blog to help you connect better with your customers and prospects while growing a community. Here are some steps to help you establish a small business blog. Read More
The catering business has long been a popular and thriving industry, but what types of catering businesses are available? Read More
Log Cabins may just be a brilliant way of creating an office that has all of the advantages of working from home while avoiding the possible disadvantages. Read More
Recognizing differences in international business practices and differences between cultures throughout the world is part of doing business globally. Here are six things you should be aware of in regards to doing business cross-borders. Read More

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