Ivanpw submitted the following stories to BizSugar

A survey reveals 50 percent small business doesn’t use social media, while only 12 percent said it’s a must. Are small business owners perceiving that social media is a waste of time? For small businesses that do use social media as part of their marketing strategy, are they really wasting their ti Read More
As a webpreneur, you enjoy what most don't - the ability to live and work in any places you want and the ability to manage your web businesses anytime you want. Read More
Research states that 7 out of 10 brands are upping their investment in sustainability. It is now essential that we see this as integral to excellence in event management and production. How do event managers approach this so that the industry benefits and our own company’s reap the rewards? Read More
While many may be hesitant to start a new small business given the troubling economy, there are opportunities for those who are willing to give it a go. Read More
Social media can benefit your business. There are a few strategies that you can employ if you want to get your business noticed on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Read More
Small business software applications assists businesses in performing business functions automatically and helping to streamline a small business Read More
After repeat clients, referrals are the bread and butter of any business. Here are some tips to help you getting more business referrals. Read More
This blog post is about how to deal with anxiety in your entrepreneurial journey and be thankful in every situation you face - either good or bad. Read More
Working from home is a dream shared by many people, but if you are lucky enough to do this then you will probably be aware of the fact that it is very easy to become distracted and start reducing your productivity. Some tips to help you get away from decreased productivity. Read More

How to Optimize Google Places for Small Business

How to Optimize Google Places for Small Business  - http://www.noobpreneur.com Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Online Marketing
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 4668 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on September 26, 2011 3:50 pm
For small businesses, local search is becoming increasingly important to the bottom line. Learn how to optimize your Google Places page. Read More

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