Johnwho submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Content saturation is an issue that could bear significant impact to your overall digital marketing campaign. Learn how to overcome this challenge with these six tips. #digitalmarketingph #cjgdigitalmarketingph Read More

SEO Outsourcing – Do's and Don'ts (Infographic)

Avatar Posted by johnwho under Marketing
From 1876 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 12, 2019 10:39 am
SEO outsourcing has become a norm for many companies that neither have the luxury of time and expertise to execute a detailed, data-driven campaign nor have the money to add an in-house #SEO specialist into their workforce. Read more as we detail in this #infographic the top do’s and don’t when out Read More
Big Data - as data scientist Clive Humby called it, the new oil – has dawned and has already made significant contributions in businesses across industries. And digital marketing is of no exception.

Read on as discuss the latest trends and statistics in big data that businesses and digital marke Read More
With all this hype, many marketing professionals have already raised the biggest question: Will AI replace marketers in the near future?

Read on as we discuss in this infographic how AI has developed throughout the years, and if marketers should really be worried about it or think otherwise. Read More
While visual search technology is still in infancy and definitely is not going to replace keywords – not taking advantage of its potential to further increase your digital marketing reach might put you at a disadvantage against your competitors soon. To help you out, we detail in this infographic s Read More
Like other arts and concepts that evolve through time, the field of graphic design also presents new trends and shifts that business owners and digital marketers alike should be aware of every year. To help you get started with these shifts, we detail in this infographic the top trends in graphic d Read More
Selecting the right combination of channels is crucial to improving the overall success of your digital marketing campaign. If you haven’t done that critical step yet, let us help you as we detail in this infographic the top digital marketing channels that deliver the highest ROI. Read More
If there’s one digital marketing strategy that budding startup and small #B2C companies should utilize the most nowadays, it’s definitely #contentmarketing. To help you get started, we’ve compiled in this #infographic some interesting facts and statistics from CMI and MarketingProfs report which de Read More
As technologies get more sophisticated and the modern customer gets more tech-savvy, we can expect that the digital marketing realm will continue to remain competitive this year. To help you stay one step ahead of the game, here’s a glimpse at some of the trends that will shape the digital marketin Read More
Year after year, the field of #SEO gets more sophisticated, driving companies to employ a combination of proven strategies and new techniques just to get in front of SERPs. Check out this #infographic to learn more about the top SEO trends you should keep an eye on to stay competitive in the digita Read More

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