Kimmendrez submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The Great Wall Of Google - A Short Essay On Communication

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Strategy
From 5532 days ago
Made Hot by: Peri on July 16, 2009 2:40 pm
China started building its Great Wall in the 5th century to keep out its enemies. In the 21st century, the unwelcome party being kept out by the great wall Google has built around their company is you, the local business owner. Read More
Names matter — especially when it comes to your online business. High atop her balcony, the love-struck Juliet laments her lover's problematic surname, declaring, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” While technically she's right, you wouldn't want to put Juliet in charge of your online branding efforts. Read More

233 Million Hours Spent on Facebook in April

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Social Media
From 5534 days ago
Made Hot by: q4sales on July 14, 2009 4:16 pm
Nielsen recently reported that there was an average of 233 million hours spent on Facebook in the month of April. 233 Million HOURS! Let me repeat that.. Americans are spending 233 million hours a month on Facebook. That is unbelieveable. Read More
All of them have just concluded a major B2B research initiative, which was conducted by Enquiro with input from Google,, Covario, Marketo and DemandBase. The so-called BuyerSphere Project showed that most marketers aren't effectively leveraging online assets to their best potential. Are you shocked, shocked by these findings? Read More

How to Make Social Media Marketing FAIL for You

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Online Marketing
From 5540 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 8, 2009 5:01 pm
I really love Jeremy's tips on how we can make the most out of social media. It's time to get our fee wet on this trend. It's a better advantage if we get in early. Why wait tomorrow when we can do it now? Read More
David Kelsey shares why marketers are repelling their prospects on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn) and the host of other networking outlets out there. Read More

Small Business On The Cloud? Not There Yet!

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Technology
From 5541 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 8, 2009 1:09 pm
Being a small business owner myself I often communicate latest and greatest of IT achievements to my fellow small business owners who aren't as tech savvy. Since the latest hype seem to be the cloud, I am genuinely interested in feedback of people who are not on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn, but who are small business owners none the less. With all t Read More
Many times we (marketing professionals) talk about the concepts of an integrated marketing approach. “You should be doing email marketing, billboards, radio ads, blah blah blah blah. ” Sometimes it gets a little heavy— Sometimes it gets a little burdensome. Read More
Companies, marketers and advertising agencies are facing a dramatic shift in marketing realitiy - and are increasingly failing to connect with consumers. Read More
The Power of Social Media Marketing You don't make money on the phone (or in person) coaching. Yeah - that's collecting money. You don't actually make money unless you're marketing your coaching business. This was actually my second biggest mistake in building my coaching business - not realizing: Read More

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