Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

You’ll find a lot of advice and articles about attracting top talent and hiring the best candidates for the job. This is an important step in building an effective team, but what do you do after you’ve got amazing employees?
In an era where loyalty to a company isn’t expected, employees will often Read More

How to Spot an IRS Email Scam Message

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Taxes
From 3171 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on January 27, 2016 3:18 pm
It’s the first quarter of the year and that means it’s tax time! It’s also IRS scam time.
This is the time of year when IRS scams increase. Scammers and spammers target taxpayers, tax preparers, and small business owners. The scams include bogus phone calls and IRS email scams purporting to be fro Read More
Businesses that use Slack to collaborate got some welcome news this week. The platform is testing a feature that will let teams communicate via Skype calls within their Slack threads. In addition, Microsoft made an acquisition this week that could improve its Skype for Business offering.
Read abou Read More

Ways to Use Periscope Streaming on Twitter for Business

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 3174 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on January 23, 2016 3:40 pm
Periscope is a live-streaming video mobile app for iOS and Android owned by Twitter.
Periscope allows you to “go live” via your smartphone and become your own on-the-go broadcasting station, streaming live video and audio from any location, at any time of the day or night. Viewers can tune in to y Read More
Marketing an eCommerce site is not an exact science. You need to find an approach that really works for you and then constantly adjust it as you go. But there are some eCommerce marketing secrets you can use to improve your chances for success. Below are eCommerce marketing secrets you can use to i Read More
Heading to a critical meeting and trying to ensure you have the right directions to get there on time? As long as you’ve been to your destination before, Google Maps may be able to help.
Google has added a new feature — dubbed Driving Mode — to its Maps app. The feature, which was first spotted by Read More
Barring the fact that anything to do with drugs gets people’s interest, there is more zing in the Priceonomics (on the left) email than SearchSOA. Now, let’s understand why. Read More
Barring the fact that anything to do with drugs gets people’s interest, there is more zing in the Priceonomics (on the left) email than SearchSOA. Now, let’s understand why. Read More
Feeling the winter blues? January can be a drab month for a lot of people but don’t let grey weather keep you from making the most of your time. This may be the perfect time to get out of your normal routine and try out a business event near you. You may even want to travel a bit, if the event is w Read More
Digital marketing is one of the most confusing yet promising things a business owner will ever face. For businesses that need help in getting started with digital marketing, “Digital Minds: 12 Things Every Business Needs to Know About Digital Marketing” summarizes this landscape into bite-sized chu Read More

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