Rvarshneya submitted the following stories to BizSugar

I've chalked out these strategies for those of you who have got all it takes to grow their business, but lack the knowledge or insights on the tools. Read More
Mobile has changed the game for the Health Care, Medical and Fitness. Here are all the resources that you need to raise funding for your mobile health startup. Read More

11 of the Most Awesome Tools for Content Marketing

Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Marketing
From http://blog.foster.fm 3537 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on November 26, 2014 11:13 am
Have you leveraged content marketing yet? Even if you've been at it for a while, take a look at these tools to give your content marketing efforts a boost. Read More
Mobile is all the rage for the enterprise. But, surprisingly, few enterprises are able to effectively leverage mobile in acquiring or engaging their customers. Read More
There are two key channels where you can find your audience - social media and email. Let’s take a look at how to leverage these channels. Read More
It’s easy to make a complicated product with many features, thinking the more you pack in, the more consumers will intuitively understand. This, though, is a classic mistake. Read More
When building and marketing an app, there are several components that come into play that impact the way the app behaves, resonates with the customers as well as ones that generate better traction. But none of these would work unless you’ve tried and tested them. Read More
Your landing page has to offer tremendous value and not simply act as an advertising page/banner for your mobile app. Here are ways to make sure you optimize your landing page for increased conversions. Read More
Whatever stage you may be at, gain insight and inspiration from some of the most popular productivity apps on the app store and what inspired their founders to create that particular app. Read More
If you're launching an app-based business, stay clear of these problems that will sink your startup. Read More

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