Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

It's not just the chips in the Department of Energy's record-breaking Summit supercomputer, which is setting new speed records; it's also Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Read More
You may still love your Mac, but Apple... not so much. It's become an after-thought to the company. Read More
Using containers is easy-peasy. Building them, not so much. Now, Red Hat has released Buldah 1.0, an easy-to-use, Linux shell-based container builder tool. Read More
Oracle recently freed J2EE, aka Java EE. Now known as Jakarta EE, enterprise Java's new manager the Eclipse Foundation is revealing its plans for the popular middleware platform. Read More
Buying GitHub may make sense for Microsoft, but many open-source developers hate the deal. And, when I say hate, I mean HATE. Read More
Can a Chromebook really be worth $1,500? If it's Google's own Intel i7-powered Chromebook, the answer's heck yeah! This is the best Chromebook to date. Read More
Red Hat's strategic planning isn't like yours, but with 64 straight quarters of revenue growth and continuing on course to become the first billion-dollar-a-quarter open-source company, the Linux and cloud power is clearly on to something. Read More
With containers springing up and down in minutes and virtual machines coming and going in hours, some sysadmins have neglected their system logs. Log files still provide invaluable insight into how systems are operating! Here’s what you -- still -- need to know. Read More
There’s a host of reasons why we won’t see 5G roll out in production anytime soon. I'll be surprised if we see it in most places by 2022. Read More
Hidden behind the OpenStack cloud was its outstanding CI/CD system. Now, with the release of Zuul 3.0, Zuul is coming into its own. Read More

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