Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Without question, Linux was created by brilliant programmers who employed good computer science knowledge. Let the Linux programmers whose names you know share the books that got them started and the technology references they recommend for today's developers. How many of them have you read? Read More
Researchers have broken Intel's Software Guard Extensions, System Management Mode, and x86-based virtual machines. Read More
The day has finally come to migrate to the cloud. But just a minute, Tex. Let’s do a last minute final review of some of the fundamental mistakes to avoid before you pull the trigger: Read More
Prometheus, the six-year-old cloud microservices monitoring program, has grown up almost as fast as Kubernetes container management. Read More
The denial of service bug had actually been patched in the Linux kernel weeks before news of it was ever announced. Read More
Some people still think you need a Windows PC or an Apple device for school. That's so not true. But you don't have to take my word for it. By FutureSource's count, 59.6 percent of K-12 schools bought Chromebooks in 2017. You should too and not just for school, they also work great for home and the Read More
Android 9's new crust--interface--and filling--core programs--are both tasty. Unfortunately, unless you're using a Pixel or an Essential Phone PH-1 smartphone, you can't use it yet. Read More
You may have noticed that Google's Chrome web browser now marks all websites without Transport Layer Security (TLS) as insecure. So, it's past time to secure your sites with TLS. So long as you're doing this, give Facebook's newly open-sourced TLS 1.3 library, Fizz a try. Read More
The Opera web browser isn't for everyone, but if you want it, Canonical and Opera have made it easier than ever to install it on pretty much any Linux desktop. Read More
Ever since Docker arrived to make containers popular, companies have turned to containers. The inevitable result was virtual machines (VMs) began to decline. Read More

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