Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

No matter how small your budget, there's a Linux or open source conference you can afford—and should attend. Read More
Some see this as a giant leap forward for Microsoft and open source. A few, however, see Microsoft's open-source patent move as just more of the same old, same old. Read More
The move opens up Microsoft's 60,000 patents to Open Invention Network members who are using them in the Linux system. What does that mean, specifically? Read on. Read More
It's a Kubernetes cloud container world and Cloud Foundry, like the rest of us, is embracing its container orchestration ways. Read More
By joining the Open Invention Network, Microsoft is offering its entire patent portfolio -- with the legacy exception of its Windows and desktop application code -- to all of the open-source patent consortium's members. Read More
Lately, it’s been difficult to update Windows systems without running into some showstopping bugs. WTH is going on?
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Elon Musk's recent tweeting adventure cost him and Tesla $40 million. That's why your company needs a social media policy. Here's how to build one and ensure your employees follow its requirements. Read More
IBM has a new take on securing containers. And, why shouldn't they? IBM's been working with container style technology since the sixties. Read More
Facebook is pushing forward with its own open-source machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) framework. And, it's found many partners as PyTorch nears its 1.0 release. Read More
Shareware helped to spark the PC revolution. Now, it's the forerunner of today's mobile app development. Read More

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